The search began in response to an article in the Eskdale and Langholm Advertiser which read:
An appeal to the people of Eskdale to help solve the mystery of a family Bible has come from a Hampshire couple Kevin and Ginny Goodal. The Goodals, who live in Oakley near Basingstoke, bought the bible many years ago. The book contains a family history on the last page and the names are Branchard (sic), Armstrong and Robson. They say these are not Hampshire names and certainly not local to their village. A friend who works in the village comes from Scotland and told them the names were connected with the border area. Ginny said: "If these names do strike a note with any of your readers, I would be very pleased to hear from them.” |
The full story is published in The Armstrong News 82, including details of the various family lines that we're researching. Any help or information from Armstrongs in Canada, America or the UK would be appreciated.